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Smith, Joseph, Jr., 1805-1844


Found in 41 Collections and/or Records:

Mark R. Ashurst-McGee papers

Identifier: ACCN 1619
Abstract The Mark Ashurst McGee papers (1989-2000) contains an article submitted to the Mormon History Association (MHA) by Ashurst-McGee entitled "Joseph Smith, the Kinderhook Plates, and the Question of Revelation." This collection also contains journal excerpts from Ashurst McGee's mission to New Jersey for the LDS Church, and interview notes.
Dates: 1989-2000

Kenneth and Linda Brailsford collection

Identifier: ACCN 2935
Abstract The Kenneth and Linda Brailsford collection (1743-1974) consists of a variety of items pertaining to the leadership of the L.D.S. church. These materials include correspondence, receipts, bail bonds, property agreements, journal entries, and other business, judicial, and church related documents. Signatures and autographs of Joseph Smith Jr., Hyrum Smith, Sidney Rigdon, Brigham Young, Wilford Woodruff, William Clayton, Lorenzo Snow, George Albert Smith, Joseph Fielding Smith, Heber J. Grant,...
Dates: 1743-1974

Dale R. Broadhurst audio collection

Identifier: A0315
Abstract The Dale R. Broadhurst audio collection (1979-1982) contains audio recordings of material relevant to Broadhurst's Masters thesis research into the theory that the Book of Mormon was plagiarized in part from an earlier, fictional manuscript by Solomon Spalding.
Dates: 1979-1982

Dale R. Broadhurst papers

Identifier: ACCN 0913
Abstract The Dale R. Broadhurst papers (1800-2000) consist of transcripts, theses, news clippings, historical journals, diaries, and other sources dealing with the writing of the Book of Mormon and the Spalding manuscript. Broadhurst gathered this information for his thesis. It deals with the claim that Solomon Spaulding (1761-1816), a former Congregationalist/Presbyterian minister, wrote a manuscript that Joseph Smith later used as the basis for the Book of Mormon. Broadhurst obtained his master's...
Dates: 1800-2000

Fawn McKay Brodie papers

Identifier: MS 0360
Abstract The Fawn McKay Brodie papers (1932-1983) document the life (1915-1981) and writings of this well-known but controversial Utah-born author and university professor. Included are personal materials, including a biography, interviews, awards, an obituary, and memorial; a file regarding her husband, Bernard Brodie, and her mother, Fawn Brimhall McKay; and family correspondence. The bulk of the collection deals with Brodie's five books: No Man Knows My History: The Life of...
Dates: 1932-1983

David J. Buerger papers

Identifier: MS 0622
Abstract The David J. Buerger papers (1820-1986) contain correspondence, personal diary entries, research notes, copies of papers (both published and unpublished), newspaper clippings, class notes and projects, copies of diary and letter transcripts where the originals are stored in other archival repositories, pamphlets, and excerpts from published works. The largest body of documents on any one subject pertains to LDS temple ceremonies and ordinances. Buerger compiled a file of one hundred and one...
Dates: 1842-1988

Oliver Cowdrey correspondence [photocopies and typescripts]

Identifier: ACCN 1549
Abstract The Oliver Cowdrey correspondence [photocopies and typecripts] consist of forty-six letters written by Cowdrey, during 1833-1838, for himself or for others. Oliver Cowdrey (1806-1850) was one of six original members of the Church of Christ, later called the Church Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and was a scribe to Joseph Smith.
Dates: undated

Vesta Pierce Crawford papers

Identifier: MS 0125
Abstract The Vesta Pierce Crawrford papers contain her research for the unfinished book "The Elected Lady," correspondence, poetry, and a journal.
Dates: 1844-1955

Arturo de Hoyos papers

 Collection — Box: 1
Identifier: MS 0384
Abstract The Arturo de Hoyos papers (1982) consist of a compilation of materials by de Hoyos, entitled "The Masonic Emblem and Parchments of Joseph and Hyrum Smith."
Dates: 1982

Reed C. Durham papers

Identifier: ACCN 0444
Abstract The Reed C. Durham papers (1828-1998) consists of research materials about the LDS pioneers and the history of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (LDS Church) as well as Durham's writings based on his research.
Dates: 1828-1998