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Check Stubs, 1928-1943

 File — Box: 2, Volume: 1-10
Identifier: I

Scope and Contents

From the Collection: The Jewish archives (1831-1990) has been divided into five major sections, each of which has been further subdivided for clarity. The first three sections, designated as B'nai Israel, Montefiore, and Kol Ami are materials from Salt Lake City's three major Jewish congregations in order of founding date. The fourth section contains information about the Utah Jewish Community and the fifth is comprised of general information about Jews and Judaism.


Congregation B'nai Israel, the first subdivision in this section is contained in three boxes. The first box holds all the background information about the establishment of the congregation, including the Articles of Incorporation and By-laws. Deeds and plot descriptions of the various land transactions, as well as historical information about the congregation, are filed here. A microfilm copy of the first minute book, dated 1881 to 1899, was obtained from the American Jewish Archives for inclusion in the collection. Miscellaneous items such as membership lists, programs, bulletins and newspaper clippings complete the general information. The other two boxes contain financial records comprised of check stubs from 1928 to 1943 and ledgers dated from 1929 to 1972. Three other large ledger books ranging in date from 1889 to 1941 have been placed in an oversize box at the end of the collection. One folder, following the financial records, contains information about the congregation's religious school.

B'nai Israel Sisterhood, the second subdivision, fills two boxes. Other, than the constitution and by-laws, some committee lists, yearbooks, and programs the sisterhood materials consist of financial records. These financial records include bills and receipts, bank statements, check stubs, receipt books, savings account passbooks, and treasurers' reports all dated between 1958 and 1972. Also filed here are two ledgers listing debits and credits for 1922 to 1971.

The B'nai Israel Cemetery records comprise the third subdivision of four and one-half boxes. There are only a few folders containing information other than financial records, including the deed and agreement, contracts for building improvements, and removal-reburial permits. Vouchers dated from 1913 to 1927, which make up the bulk of the financial records, give information about work done at the cemetery. Many of the vouchers have detailed invoices attached, all have at least a brief remark justifying the expenditure. Use of checks apparently replaced payment by voucher as the checks range from 1928 to 1941 with few gaps. Savings account books from the old McCornick and Company Bank and the Deseret National Bank date from 1906 to 1933.

Temple B'nai Israel, the fourth subdivision, consists of one box of books, and an oversize box found at the end of the collection. Six of the books collected from the Temple by Dr. Louis C. Zucker are written in Hebrew. The other six are combinations of Hebrew and either English or German. As the publication dates range from 1832 to 1919, these books give an indication as to what was available and in use by the pioneer Jews of Utah. At the end of the collection, the oversize box holds records taken from the temple cornerstone. Included are contemporary newspapers, photographs, congregation membership lists, and other typical memorabilia.


The material in this second section is subdivided in the same manner as the first; however, the records are distributed in different proportions. Materials from the first subdivision, Congregation Montefiore, occupy a full nine boxes. These nine boxes can be separated into three distinct portions: the general information, the financial records, and the religious school materials.

Three boxes contain the general information about Congregation Montefiore. The first of these holds chronologically arranged correspondence which deals, for the most part, with routine matters affecting the congregation. Also included is a file of letters concerning a controversy with the cantor and two folders of letters written in Hebrew to or from Rabbi E. Louis Cardon. Minute Books (1954-1970), membership lists and attendance records for the Congregation Board of Governors are filed here.

Two other boxes hold background information, material about religious services, and miscellaneous items. The background information includes the constitution and by-laws, deeds, incorporation papers, organizational charts, and various kinds of membership lists. During High Holy Days members were required to reserve seats in the synagogue. Some reservation forms and seating charts are filed here with other information about memorials; ceremonies including marriage, divorce, bar mitzvah, and others, and notes on the duties of the rabbi and general religious policies and practices. Finally, there are a number of church bulletins, materials gathered for a scrapbook by Rabbi Cardon, a sparcely used day book belonging to Rabbi Nissim Wernick and a few other miscellaneous items.

Five boxes of financial records make up the second portion of the Congregation Montefiore subdivision. The records are divided according to type and placed in chronological order within those division. The first box holds correspondence about contributions made by the congregation as a whole, correspondence and forms related to various trusts and stock investments, data slips and ledger sheets which comprise the receipts and expense journal, and various typed or computer sheets of monthly or yearly reports. Also filed here are employee payroll records with correspondence and forms about payroll deductions and state or federal withholding.

The second box in this portion contains all the bank transactions, including reconciliations from 1962 to 1972, statements with cancelled checks and deposit slips with explanatory lists attached for 1972 only, and check stubs dated from 1960 to 1963 and 1967 to 1971. The remaining three boxes contain alphabetically arranged information about members' financial obligations to the congregation. Bills or statements sent to members in 1961, 1962 and 1970, ledger sheets from debit-credit books dated between 1904 and 1969, and various ledgers containing assets and liabilities of members or the congregation from 1949 to 1972 complete this part of the financial record.

The final portion of this subdivision is one box of material related to the Congregation Montefiore Religious School. Information about the operation of the school, such as correspondence, board meeting minutes, and budgets, is followed by completed registration forms and information about teachers and curriculum. Included as part of the curriculum materials are a statement of goals, course outlines, class schedules, teaching guides, and a few copies of Current Events which is a Jewish world-news sheet.

Except for the membership lists, everything in the one and one-half boxes under Montefiore Sisterhood, the second subdivision, is a part of the financial record of the group. These financial records date between 1938 and 1972 with the bulk of the material falling after 1960. The Dues Accounts are running balances of each member's debits and credits for the years between 1938 and 1963 arranged alphabetically by last name. Also included are statements of savings account earnings and payroll tax withholdings. The monthly financial reports are found here and in a large ledger filed in an oversize box at the end of the collection. Bank transaction records include statements with cancelled checks, deposit slips, miscellaneous receipts, and check stubs. Finally, there are a number of bills and receipts arranged alphabetically by company name.

Materials from Montefiore Cemetery, the final subdivision in this section, are filed in three folders. Included are the 1900 Warranty Deed, some correspondence dated from 1963 to 1971 about cemetery operations, and a few miscellaneous financial records from 1957, 1958 and 1971.


In 1972 Congregations B'nai Israel and Montefiore consolidated to become Congregation Kol Ami. The records of this newest congregation, filed in one box, comprise the third section of the Jewish Archives.

Under Congregation Kol Ami, the first subdivision, are filed legal papers and information about consolidation and establishment of the new congregation, including the deeds and tentative by-laws. Also filed here are Board of Governors meeting minutes for 1972, 1973, and 1974, and membership lists from 1973 to 1975.

Building a new synagogue was an important step in solidifying the congregation. Ground breaking ceremonies took place in 1975 and the dedication of the cornerstone, temple, and memorial chapel in 1976. Programs, invitations and services for the ceremonies are all filed here. Three small "Golden Tribute Books" from 1973, 1974 and 1975 contain interesting information and notes about the membership.

Other materials in this subdivision include a brief history of the congregation since its earliest consideration in 1950 to 1976 written by Dr. Louis C. Zucker. There are also a number of kinds of newsletters, bulletins, programs, and invitations; and a very few miscellaneous financial reports from 1976. A scrapbook prepared by the 1974-1975 Sunday School can be found at the end of the collection in an oversize box.

Kol Ami Sisterhood, the only other subdivision in this section, consists of just two folders. One folder contains minutes from three meetings, two in 1976 and one from 1977. Miscellaneous information including questionaires and programs related to a variety of sisterhood projects and events are filed in the second folder.


Materials in this fourth section, of three and one-half boxes, contain information about the Jews of Utah not necessarily related to a specific congregation. This section has three subdivisions: Jewish Groups, Biographical Information and Historical Information.

Filed with the Jewish Groups is an account book from 1931 to 1933, and share certificates, promissory notes and minutes for the Mutual Progressive Association, a Jewish assistance program of the 1920s and 30s. "Hadassah," a women's zionist group, is represented by three scrapbooks which contain undated photographs, programs, clippings, and similar items. Membership rosters from 1962 to 1972, bulletins and miscellaneous items from the years 1975 to 1978 are the only materials available dealing with the Salt Lake B'nai B'rith women.

Following a brief list of Jewish community groups active in Salt Lake City in 1976 are materials from three of these groups. The merger of the religious schools of Congregations B'nai Israel and Montefiore occurred in 1969. The resulting United Jewish Religious School materials from that year include reports of the central planning committee, other committee structures and reports, and some budget information and reports.

In 1977 the United Jewish Council sponsored a demographic study of the Salt Lake City group. The resultant report: A Jewish Community Studies Itself and three copies of the UJC News (1955, 1956, 1978) are filed here. Board of Directors meeting minutes from 1963, committee list of 1971, the 1969 dedication booklet, and yearly information booklets ranging in date from 1973 to 1978 from the James L. White Jewish Community Center are also included. A fourth group, the Aleph Zadik Aleph, or Junior Men's B'nai B'rith, is represented by a 1938 scrapbook of pictures and newsclippings found in an oversize box at the end of the collection.

The second subdivision contains biographical information about Utah Jews. These materials range from newspaper clippings and correspondence to transcripts of oral interviews and autobiographies or biographical sketches. They are arranged in alphabetical order by last name.

Historical information about the Jews in Utah and Salt Lake City makes up the final subdivision. Included here are a number of brief histories, notes, and articles from journals and newspapers which offer information about the role of Jews in the territory and state. The last half-box in this section holds articles and research materials written by Hynda Rudd, or gather as background for her master's thesis. A three-part film strip titled "Jews of Utah, 1854-1977," prepared by Ms. Rudd, is housed in the Special Collections Photograph Archives and available for use.


General information about Jews and Judaism is found in the two boxes comprising the final section. Publications have been separated into two portions. The first portion of this subdivision includes many informational pamphlets about Jewish holidays or religious services. These are filed alphabetically by name of the publishing group. The second portion contains a number of guides dealing with Jewish religious education.

Information about Israel and American Zionist organizations, the second subdivision, is also separated into two portions: newsletters, addresses or correspondence, and publications. Both portions are arranged alphabetically according to the name of the originating group.

The final subdivision, the miscellaneous material, includes the microfilm copies of items about Jews in Utah taken from the Leon L. Watters collection held by the American Jewish Archives. The other miscellaneous items include blank calendars with sketches by Jewish artists and sparce information about religious practices.


All the oversize materials are related to something in one of the previous sections and are described there. These include ledgers and cornerstone materials from the Congregation B'nai Israel, a ledger from the Montefiore Sisterhood, the congregation Kol Ami scrapbook, and an Aleph Zadik Aleph scrapbook.


  • 1928-1943

Conditions Governing Access

Twenty-four hour advanced notice encouraged. Materials must be used on-site. Access to parts of this collection may be restricted under provisions of state or federal law.


From the Collection: 18 Linear Feet (36 boxes, 5 microfilm reels, and 1 oversize folder)

Language of Materials

From the Collection: English

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