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Manti L.D.S. Temple

 File — Box: 29, Folder: 16
Identifier: II

Scope and Contents

From the Collection: The photographs in this collection were taken by Kenneth B. Castleton or his associates between the years 1970 and 1985 although there are a few photographs taken before 1970. They record petroglyph and pictograph sites mainly in Utah, and to a lesser extent in Arizona, Colorado, Nevada, Wyoming, California, and other countries. They are an invaluable resource for researchers of ancient culture. There are also a small number of photographs of a more personal nature such as of the Castleton family and of trips that were not connected with rock art. These are filed at the end of the collection.

The photographs are mostly color prints and slides, with a few black-and-white prints. Dr. Castleton had arranged them by geographical area and this original order was retained. This order corresponds to that in his book, Petroglyphs and Pictographs of Utah, Volumes I and II (Salt Lake City: University of Utah Press, 1978). The photographs were kept in three separate formats: Notebooks, which contain prints arranged and attached to pages; Prints, which are loose and filed in folders; and Slides which are in preserving pages and folders. Each of these sections is arranged in a general geographical area, and then into a particular site within the area. All items in each section are consecutively numbered. The numbering begins over in each of the three sections. All numbers are preceded by a N (Notebooks), P (Prints), or S (Slides). Although photographs and papers are usually separated, in this case Castleton's field notes, articles, and papers were considered an essential support to the photographic information and are found in Section IV Manuscript Material.

In some cases photos of sites with the same or similar proper names are filed under different geographical areas because of the tendency for geological entities to defy boundaries, such as Nine Mile Canyon. In other cases two sites simply had the same name. This problem was resolved with extensive cross-indexing, so that one only need look under a given site name in the index to find all available prints or slides at that site, whether or not they are physically filed together.

Archaelogical Resource Protection Act (ARPA): Public Law 96-95, 16 U.S.C. Section 470

ARPA provides protection from unauthorized excavation and removal of archeological resources which are at least 100 years old. These resources include but are not limited to: pottery, basketry, bottles, weapons, weapon projectiles, tools, structures, pit houses, rock paintings, rock carvings, graves and human skeletal materials.

Further, no person may sell, purchase, exchange, transport, receive or offer to sell, purchase, or exchange, in interstate or foreign commerce, any archaeological resource excavated, removed, sold, purchased, exchanged, transported, or received in violation of any provision, rule, regulation, ordinance, or permit in effect under State or local law.

Any person who knowingly violates, or counsels, procures, solicits, or employs any person to violate any prohibition shall be subject to the penalties of ARPA.


First Offense: Maximum $10,000 fine, 1-year jail sentence. If commercial or archaeological value and cost of restoration exceed $5,000, a $20,000 fine and 2-year jail sentence or both.

Second Offense: Maximum $100,000 fine and 5?year jail sentence or both.

Civil Recovery: Value of resource, cost of restoration, double for second offense.

Vehicle and Equipment Forfeiture: If used in connection with violation upon conviction or determination of involvement.

Informant Reward: One half of fine, not to exceed $500 paid from U.S. Treasury funds.

To Report Violations: Contact land management agency where the violation took place. On public lands, contact Special Agent In?Charge, Bureau of Land Management, Salt Lake City, Utah, (801)524-3013.


Public Law 96-95, 16 U.S.C. Section 470

ARPA provides protection from unauthorized excavation and removal of archeological resources which are at least 100 years old.

These resources include but are not limited to: pottery, basketry, bottles, weapons, weapon projectiles, tools, structures, pit houses, rock paintings, rock carvings, graves and human skeletal materials.

Further, no person may sell, purchase, exchange, transport, receive or offer to sell, purchase, or exchange, in interstate or >foreign commerce, any archaeological resource excavated, removed, sold, purchased, exchanged, transported, or received in violation of any provision, rule, regulation, ordinance, or permit in effect under State or local law.

Any person who knowingly violates, or counsels, procures, solicits, or employs any person to violate any prohibition shall be subject to the penalties of ARPA.


First Offense: Maximum $10,000 fine, 1-year jail sentence. If commercial or archaeological value and cost of restoration exceed $5,000, a $20,000 fine and 2-year jail sentence or both.

Second Offense: Maximum $100,000 fine and 5-year jail sentence or both.

Civil Recovery: Value of resource, cost of restoration, double for second offense.

Vehicle and Equipment Forfeiture: If used in connection with violation upon conviction or determination of involvement.

Informant Reward: One half of fine, not to exceed $500 paid from U.S. Treasury funds.

To Report Violations: Contact land management agency where the violation took place. On public lands, contact Special Agent In-Charge, Bureau of Land Management, Salt Lake City, Utah, (801)524-3013.

Site Index: The first number designates the box where the material is located. The number following the colon refers to the folder within the box.
From the Collection:
  1. A
  2. Africa-Rock Art, 28:4
  3. Alaska-Trip, 30:1
  4. "The All-American Man," 11:3
  5. Alvey Wash, 12:3; 27:2; 34:16
  6. Amasa Burton Trading Post, 10:7
  7. Anderson Bottom see Island in the Sky District
  8. Animals, 29:1
  9. Annabelle see Charlie Wall Hill
  10. Apartment Scenes, 29:21
  11. Argyle Canyon see Nine Mile Canyon
  12. Arizona-Rock Art, 28:1
  13. Arizona Strip, 8:18; 22:6
  14. Ash Creek see Browse
  15. Ashley Creek, 1:3; 13:2, 31:2
  16. Atlatl Rock see Valley of Fire
  17. B
  18. Bear Ladder Ruins see Natural Bridges National Monument
  19. Beaver Canyon, 6:2; 19:1; 32:19
  20. "Behind the Rocks," 4:7; 17:6; 32:10
  21. Berkeley Anderson Farm see Sigurd
  22. Berry Springs, 8:7; 21:5; 33:10
  23. Big Canyon see Desolation and Gray Canyons
  24. Big Cave see Site "X"
  25. Billy Goat Canyon see Arizona Strip
  26. Birch Creek see Ferron Canyon
  27. Bird Site see The Maze District
  28. Birds, 29:1
  29. Bishop, California, 8:16; 22:4
  30. Bitter Creek, 1:11; 14:4; 31:10
  31. Black Dragon Canyon, 4:2; 17:1; 32:5
  32. Black Hill, 8:10; 21:8; 33:13
  33. Black Rock Springs, 6:5; 19:4; 32:22
  34. Blawn Wash see Wah Wah Valley
  35. Bloomington, 8:10; 21:8; 33:13
  36. Blue Mountain-Dinosaur National Monument, 1:5; 13:4; 31:4
  37. Bluff, 10:3; 24:2; 34:2
  38. Boulder Canyon see Montezuma Canyon
  39. Braffet Canyon, 8:4; 21:2; 33:7
  40. Brown's Park, 29:22
  41. Browse, 8:7; 21:5; 33:10
  42. Brush Creek, 1:2; 13:1; 31:1
  43. Buckhorn, 2:2; 15:1; 31:15
  44. Buckskin Canyon, 9:8; 23:7; 33:24
  45. Buckskin Wash see Buckskin Canyon
  46. Bull Claim Hill, 7:3; 20:2; 33:2
  47. Bunting Ranch-Johnson Canyon, 9:4; 23:3; 33:20
  48. Butler Wash, 10:5; 10:12; 24:4; 24:5; 34:4
  49. Butterfly Bend, 4:8; 17:7; 32:11
  50. C
  51. Cactus Hill, 6:4; 19:3; 32:21
  52. Calf Canyon, 2:7; 15:6; 31:20
  53. Calf Creek see Escalante
  54. Canaan Gap, 8:12; 21:10; 33:15
  55. Canada-Trip, 30:2
  56. "The Canyon," 1:7; 13:6; 31:6
  57. Canyonlands National Park, 11:2
  58. Canyonlands Scenery, 29:2; 36:1
  59. Capitol Gorge see Capitol Reef National Park
  60. Capitol Reef National Park, 3:2; 16:1; 32:1
  61. Carbon-Duchesne Line, 1:13; 31:12
  62. Castle Peak Draw see Castle Peak Wash
  63. Castle Peak Wash, 1:4; 13:3; 31:3
  64. Castle Wash, 10:12; 25:2; 34:8
  65. Cat Stair Canyon, 9:7; 23:6; 33:23
  66. Cave Valley see Zion National Park
  67. Cedar City, 8:5; 21:3; 33:8
  68. Cedar Fort, 5:4; 18:3; 32:15
  69. Cedar View, 1:13; 14:6; 31:12
  70. Cha Canyon, 12:6; 34:19
  71. Chalfant see Bishop, California
  72. Chandler Canyon see Chandler and Florence Creeks and Nine Mile Canyon
  73. Chandler Creek, 1:9; 14:2; 31:8
  74. Charlie Wall Hill, 7:2; 20:1; 33:1
  75. Chinle Canyon, 10:7; 24:6; 34:3
  76. Chesler Canyon, 11:2; 26:1; 34:14
  77. China-Trip, 36:14
  78. Circle Cliffs, 12:5; 34:18
  79. Circleville, 12:5; 27:4; 34:18
  80. Clear Creek Canyon, 7:3; 20:2; 33:2
  81. Clear Creek Valley, 5:2; 32:13
  82. Clear Lake, 6:6; 19:5; 32:23
  83. Clyde Funk Cavern No.2 see Red Hole Wash
  84. Coal Canyon, 4:2; 17:1; 32:5
  85. Cockleburr Wash, 1:5; 13:4; 31:4
  86. Colorado Bridge see North Bank of the Colorado River
  87. Colorado City, 8:15; 33:18
  88. Colorado River-North, 4:5; 17:4; 32:8
  89. Colorado River-South, 4:7; 17:6; 32:10
  90. Colorado River-Upstream see North Bank of the Colorado River
  91. Colorado-Rock Art, 28:2
  92. Columbia-Trip, 29:4
  93. Comb Wash, 10:8; 10:9; 24:7; 24:8; 34:5; 34:6
  94. Connor's Spring, 5:2; 18:1; 32:13
  95. Coon Canyon, 5:6; 18:5; 32:17
  96. Corn Creek, 6:10; 32:27
  97. Cosa Range, 8:17
  98. Cottonwood, 4:9; 17:8; 32:12
  99. Cottonwood Canyon see Nine Mile Canyon
  100. Cottonwood Draw see Uinta Basin
  101. Courthouse Wash, 4:4; 4:5; 17:3; 17:4; 32:7; 32:8
  102. Cowboy Cave see The Maze District
  103. Coy's Cove see Clear Creek Canyon
  104. Cub Creek, 1:6; 13:5; 31:5
  105. D
  106. Dalton Wash, 8:8; 21:6; 33:11
  107. Danish Wash, 4:9; 17:8; 32:12
  108. Davis Canyon, 11:4; 26:3; 34:11
  109. Davis Gulch, 12:6; 27:5; 34:19
  110. Deer Canyon, 12:3; 27:2; 34:16
  111. Deer Creek, 9:6; 23:5; 33:22
  112. Deer Creek Point, 9:5; 23:4; 33:21
  113. Deer Creek Ranch, 12:4; 27:3; 34:17
  114. Deer Spring Wash, 9:7; 23:6
  115. Defiance Canyon see Lake Powell
  116. Delicate Arch-Arches National Monument, 17:8
  117. Deseret, 6:6; 19:5; 32:23
  118. Desert Mountain, 6:8; 19:7; 32:25
  119. Desolation Canyon, 1:14; 14:7; 31:13
  120. Devil's Kitchen, 6:7; 19:6; 32:24
  121. Devil's Lane, 11:2; 26:1; 34:14
  122. Devil's Pocket see Fillmore
  123. Dewey Bridge, 4:6; 17:5; 32:9
  124. Doll House see The Maze District
  125. Dorman Gulch, 2:2; 15:1; 31:15
  126. Doug Chew Ranch see "The Canyon"
  127. Dry Canyon see Nine Mile Canyon
  128. Dry Fork, 1:3; 13:2; 31:2
  129. Dry Fork of Coyote Wash, 12:4; 27:3; 34:17
  130. Dry Wash; 2:3, 15:2; 31:16
  131. E
  132. Easter Island, 28:5
  133. Echo Park-Dinosaur National Park (Colorado) see Rainbow Park
  134. Elbow Ranch, 7:7
  135. Ekker Copper Mine, 3:4; 16:3; 32:3
  136. England-Trip, 36:15
  137. Enterprise (Central Utah) see Nephi
  138. Enterprise (Southwest Utah), 8:14; 22:2; 33:17
  139. Escalante, 12:2; 27:1; 34:15
  140. Escalante Scenery, 29:5
  141. Evacuation Wash, 1:12; 14:5; 31:11
  142. F
  143. Fairfield, 5:4; 18:3; 32:15
  144. Ferron see Ferron Box
  145. Ferron Box, 2:3; 15:2; 31:16
  146. Ferron Canyon, 2:4; 15:3; 31:17
  147. Fillmore, 6:7; 19:6; 32:24
  148. Fish Creek Cove, 3:3; 16:2; 32:2
  149. Fisherman's Point see Uinta Basin
  150. Fishing Trips, 29:7
  151. Flag Point, 9:9; 23:8
  152. Flat Canyon see Desolation and Gray Canyons
  153. Flood Canyon, 9:8; 23:7; 33:24
  154. Flood Plain, 10:13; 25:3
  155. Florence Canyon see Chandler and Florence Creeks
  156. Florence Creek, 1:9; 14:2; 31:8
  157. Flower Cave see Site "X"
  158. Fool Creek, 6:8; 19:7; 32:25
  159. Forgotten Canyon see Lake Powell
  160. Fort Pierce, 8:13; 22:1; 33:16
  161. Fort Pierce see also Warner Valley
  162. Fortification Rock see Hill and Willow Creeks
  163. France-Rock Art, 28:6; 35:1
  164. France-Trip, 36:20
  165. Fremont Island Scenery, 29:9
  166. Fremont Wash, 8:3; 21:1; 33:6
  167. Fruita see Capitol Reef National Park
  168. G
  169. Garfield, 5:4; 18:3; 32:15
  170. Garrison see Pine Valley-Northwest
  171. Glacier National Park, 29:10
  172. Glenwood, 7:2; 20:1; 33:1
  173. Goblin Valley, 36:3
  174. Golden Spike Historical Site, 29:11
  175. Gordon Creek, 2:6; 31:19
  176. Goshen, 7:5; 20:4; 33:4
  177. Gould Wash, 8:12; 21:10
  178. Granary Ranch see Bunting Ranch-Johnson Canyon
  179. Grand Gulch, 10:9; 24:8; 24:9; 34:6
  180. Grand Wash see Capitol Reef National Park
  181. Granite Canyon, 6:9; 19:8; 32:26
  182. Grapevine see Arizona Strip
  183. Grapevine Canyon, 8:16; 22:4
  184. Grassy Trail Creek, 2:7; 15:6
  185. Gray Canyon, 1:14; 31:13
  186. Green River, 34:14
  187. The Gulch, 12:4; 27:3; 34:17
  188. Gunderson Site, 2:2; 15:1; 31:15
  189. Gunlock, 8:8; 21:6; 33:11
  190. Gunnison, 7:3; 7:4; 20:2; 20:3; 33:2
  191. Gusher, 1:15; 14:9; 31:14
  192. H
  193. Hancock Cove, 1:13; 14:6; 31:12
  194. Harrisburg Creek, 8:7; 21:5; 33:10
  195. Hatch Trading Post, 10:11; 25:1; 34:7
  196. Hawaii-Trip, 36:21
  197. Heber Valley, 36:4
  198. Henry Mountains, 12:7; 27:5; 34:20
  199. Hieroglyphic Canyon see Zion National Park
  200. Hill Creek, 1:9; 14:2; 31:8
  201. Hog Canyon, 9:3; 23:1
  202. Hog Springs see Hog Canyon
  203. Hog Springs see North Wash
  204. Hogup Cave, 36:5
  205. Hole-in-the-Rock, 6:10, 19:9; 32:27
  206. Hopi Site see Mid Butler Wash
  207. Horse Canyon-Needles District, 11:4; 26:3; 34:11
  208. Horseshoe-Barrier Canyon, 11:4; 26:3; 34:11
  209. Hovenweep, 10:11; 25:1
  210. I
  211. Idaho-Rock Art, 28:3
  212. Indian Canyon, 9:3; 23:1; 33:19
  213. Indian Creek (Southeast Utah), 10:2; 24:1; 34:1
  214. Indian Creek State Park, 10:2; 24:1; 34;1
  215. Indian Peak, 19:9
  216. Indian Rock, 5:6; 18:5; 32:17
  217. Inscription Rock, 8:17; 22:4
  218. Ioka, 1:10; 14:3; 31:9
  219. Ireland-Trip, 36:16
  220. Island in the Sky District, 11:6; 26:5; 34:13; 29:12
  221. Island Park, 1:7; 13:6
  222. Ivie Creek, 7:6; 20:5; 33:5
  223. J
  224. Jack Creek see Desolation and Gray Canyons
  225. Jensen Ranch see Torrey, Utah
  226. Jeppson Ranch, 8:14; 22:2; 33:17
  227. Joe's Valley, 2:4; 15:3; 31:17
  228. Johnson Canyon, 9:4; 23:3; 33:20
  229. Johnson Well see Cockleburr Wash
  230. Jones Hole, 1:4; 13:3; 31:3
  231. Josie Morris Ranch see Cub Creek
  232. Judd Creek, 5:3; 18:2; 32:14
  233. K
  234. Kamas Site, 5:6; 18:5; 32:17
  235. Kanab, 36:6
  236. Kanab River [Kanab Creek], 9:9; 23:8; 33:25
  237. Kane Creek Canyon, 4:8; 17:7; 32:11
  238. Kane Springs see Grand Gulch
  239. Katchina Bridge see Natural Bridges National Monument
  240. Kaufman Farm see Black Rock Springs
  241. Kennecott Smelter see Garfield
  242. King Solomon Cliff, 6:9; 19:8; 32:26
  243. Kitchen Canyon see Molly's Nipple Canyon
  244. L
  245. Lafe Peterson Farm, 29:13
  246. Lafe Peterson Farm see also Glenwood
  247. Lake Canyon see Lake Powell
  248. Lake Powell, 12:6; 27:5; 29:14; 34:19; 36:7
  249. Lake Tahoe, 29:15
  250. LaPoint-Tridell, 1:8; 14:1; 31:7
  251. Lathrop Canyon see Island in the Sky District
  252. "Layne Miller Site," 2:7; 15:6; 31:20
  253. Leeds, 8:15; 33:18
  254. Leland Bench Area, 1:8; 14:1; 31:7
  255. Lincoln Beach, 5:5; 18:4; 32:16
  256. Lion's Mouth, 8:6; 21:4; 33:9
  257. Little Brush Creek, 1:10; 14:3; 31:9
  258. Little Hole, 4:9; 32:12
  259. Long Canyon, 9:8; 23:7; 33:24
  260. Lower Paria River see White House
  261. Lower Red Lake see Island in the Sky District
  262. M
  263. Main Canyon (South Central Utah), 12:3; 27:2; 34:16
  264. Main Canyon (Uinta Basin), 1:12; 14:5; 31:11
  265. Manderfield, 6:2; 19:1; 32:19
  266. Manila, 1:10; 14:3; 31:9
  267. Manning Canyon, 7:7; 20:6
  268. Manti L.D.S. Temple, 29:16
  269. Maze District, 11:5; 26:4; 34:12
  270. McConkie Ranch see Dry Fork
  271. McCoy Springs, Nevada, 35:2
  272. McKee Springs Wash, 1:4; 13:3; 31:3
  273. Mediterranean-Trip, 30:3-4
  274. Meeker, Colorado, 29:22
  275. Mellor Canyon, 7:4; 20:3; 33:3
  276. Mexico Scenery, 29:17
  277. Milford, 6:2; 6:3; 19:1; 19:2; 32:19; 32:20
  278. Mill Creek, 4:6; 17:5; 32:9
  279. Mill Creek (Central Utah) see Clear Creek Canyon
  280. Minersville Dam, 8:3; 21:1
  281. Moab, 36:8
  282. Moab Golf Course, 4:7; 17:6; 32:10
  283. Molen Seep Wash, 2:6; 15:5; 31:19
  284. Molly's Nipple Canyon, 9:5; 23:4; 33:21
  285. Monarch Cave see Lower Butler Wash
  286. Montezuma Canyon, 10:13; 25:3; 34:9
  287. Montezuma Creek, 10:13; 25:3; 34:9
  288. Monument Valley, 25:4; 29:18
  289. Moqui Canyon see Lake Powell
  290. Moqui Map Site, 12:8; 34:21
  291. Morrow Ranch see Torrey, Utah
  292. Muley Point (Southwest Utah) see Fremont Wash
  293. Muley Point below Cedar Mesa, 10:10; 34:7
  294. Muley Point-John's Canyon, 10:9; 34:6
  295. Muley Twist see Circle Cliffs
  296. Mummy Cave see Nine Mile Canyon
  297. Myton, 1:2; 13:1; 31:1
  298. N
  299. Natural Bridges National Monument, 10:3; 24:2; 34:2
  300. Nefertiti Canyon see Desolation and Gray Canyons
  301. Nephi (Central Utah), 7:6; 20:5; 33:4
  302. Nephi Canyon, 8:6; 33:9
  303. Newspaper Rock see Indian Creek State Park
  304. Nine Mile Canyon, 1:14; 14:8; 31:13
  305. Norman Site, 4:8; 17:7; 32:11
  306. North Cottonwood Wash, 10:2; 24:1; 34:1
  307. North Wash (Capitol Reef), 3:5; 16:4; 32:4
  308. North Wash-Lower (South Central Utah), 12:7
  309. Notum, 3:5; 16:4; 32:4
  310. O
  311. Oak Canyon, 9:4; 23:3; 33:20
  312. Oak Creek Canyon see Zion National Park
  313. Oregon Trail, 29:19
  314. Orient-Trip, 30:5; 36:21
  315. Owachoma Bridge see Natural Bridges National Monument
  316. P
  317. Panguitch River, 12:5; 27:4; 34:18
  318. Paradise Flats, 3:4; 16:3; 32:3
  319. Paragonah, 8:4; 21:2; 33:7
  320. Paria River, 9:10; 33:25
  321. Park City, 36:9
  322. Park Wash, 9:6; 23:5; 33:22
  323. Parowan Canyon, 8:3; 33:6
  324. Parowan Gap, 8:4; 21:2; 33:7
  325. Parrish Canyon, 5:3; 18:2; 32:14
  326. Paxton Corral, 6:9; 19:8; 32:26
  327. Pelican Point see Utah Lake
  328. Peltier Ranch see Dry Fork
  329. Personal-Miscellaneous, 29:20; 36:10
  330. Peru-Trip, 36:17
  331. Peter's Leap, 8:6; 21:4
  332. Peter's Point see Desolation and Gray Canyons
  333. Petroglyph Canyon see Zion National Park
  334. Phipps Canyon, 12:8; 34:21
  335. Photographs-Miscellaneous, 30:9
  336. Pine Canyon, 1:12; 14:5; 31:11
  337. Pine Creek (Northwest Utah), 5:2; 18:1; 32:13
  338. Pine Creek (South Central Utah) see Escalante
  339. Pine Valley, 6:3; 19:2; 32:20
  340. Pink Quartz Hill, 6:4; 19:3; 32:21
  341. Pinnacle Canyon see Nine Mile Canyon
  342. Pipe Springs National Monument see Arizona Strip
  343. Piute Canyon, 12:7; 34:20
  344. Piute Cave see Arizona Strip
  345. Pleasant Creek see Capitol Reef National Park
  346. Pleasant Valley Escarpment see Myton
  347. Poison Springs Canyon, 3:4; 16:3; 32:3
  348. Poncho House, 10:8; 24:7; 34:5
  349. Potash Road see North Bank of the Colorado River
  350. Price, 36:11
  351. Price River see also Desolation and Gray Canyons
  352. Price River see also Price River-East
  353. Price River see also Price River-Lower
  354. Price River-East, 1:15; 14:9; 31:14
  355. Price River-Lower, 2:5; 15:4; 31:18
  356. Pumice, 6:5; 19:4; 32:22
  357. Q
  358. Quitchubah Creek, 7:6; 20:5; 33:5
  359. R
  360. Rainbow Park, 1:7; 13:6; 31:6
  361. Range Canyon see The Maze District
  362. Range Creek, 1:15; 14:9; 31:14
  363. Red Canyon-Jackson, 8:15; 22:3; 33:18
  364. Red Hole Wash, 2:5; 15:4; 31:18
  365. Red Rock Canyon, 7:5; 20:4; 33:3
  366. Red Sands Area-Jackson, 8:14; 22:2; 33:17
  367. Richfield, 7:7; 20:6; 33:5
  368. Rochester Creek, 2:4; 15:3; 31:17
  369. Rock Creek see Desolation and Gray Canyons
  370. Rock House Creek see Desolation and Gray Canyons
  371. Rock Ruin see Natural Bridges National Monument
  372. Ryan Ranch see Manderfield
  373. S
  374. St. George, 22:3
  375. Salt Creek, 11:3; 26:2; 34:10
  376. San Juan River, 10:4; 10:5; 10:6; 10:7; 24:3; 24:5; 24:6; 34:4
  377. Sand Island, 10:4; 24:3; 34:3
  378. Sand Wash see Desolation and Gray Canyons
  379. Santa Clara, 8:10; 21:8; 33:13
  380. Santa Clara River see Santa Clara
  381. Santaquin, 7:5; 20:4; 33:4
  382. Scandinavia-Trip, 36:18
  383. Scipio see Red Rock Canyon
  384. Scotland-Trip, 36:19
  385. Scott's Spring, 5:5; 18:4; 32:16
  386. Sego Canyon see Thompson Wash
  387. Seven Mile Canyon, 4:4; 17:3; 32:7
  388. Sevier Bridge Reservoir, 7:4; 20:3; 33:3
  389. Sheep Canyon, 9:10; 33:25
  390. Sheep Canyon see also Nine Mile Canyon
  391. Shey Canyon see Indian Creek
  392. Shiek Canyon see Grand Gulch
  393. Shoal Creek see Nephi Canyon (Southwest Utah)
  394. Short Canyon, 2:3; 15:2; 31:16
  395. Sigurd, 7:2; 20:1; 33:1
  396. Sinbad, 2:7; 15:6; 31:20
  397. Sipapu Bridge see Natural Bridges National Monument
  398. Site "X," 9:3; 23:2; 33:19
  399. Skutumpah, 9:5; 23:4; 33:21
  400. Sleeping Rainbow see Capitol Reef National Park
  401. Smith's Fork see Lake Powell
  402. Snake Gulch, 8:17; 22:5
  403. Snow Canyon, 8:12; 21:10; 33:15
  404. Soda Gulch, 12:8; 34:20
  405. South Canyon, 1:12; 14:5; 31:11
  406. South Central Utah, 36:12
  407. Southeast Utah, 36:13
  408. Spain-Rock Art, 28:6; 35:1
  409. Spain-Trip, 30:6; 36:20
  410. Spanish Rock see Myton
  411. Split Mountain Campground, 1:6; 13:5; 31:5
  412. Stansbury Island, 5:5; 18:4; 32:16
  413. Stearns Wash, 4:6; 17:5; 32:9
  414. Steinaker Reservoir, 1:11; 14:4; 31:10
  415. Step Canyon see Grand Gulch
  416. Sweetwater Canyon, 1:12; 14:5; 31:11
  417. Swelter Shelter, 1:6; 13:5; 31:5
  418. Syd and Charlie, 2:5; 15:4; 31:18
  419. T
  420. Temple Mountain, 3:5; 16:4; 32:4
  421. Temple Mountain see also Buckhorn
  422. "Thirteen Faces East"-Horse Canyon, 11:3; 26:2; 34:10
  423. Thompson Wash, 4:2; 17:1; 32:5
  424. Three Mile, 8:11; 21:9; 33:14
  425. Tonaquint, 8:15; 33:18
  426. Tooele Ordnance Depot, 5:7; 32:18
  427. Torrey, Utah, 3:3; 16:2; 32:2
  428. Turks Head see Island in the Sky District
  429. Turnbow Cabin-Arches National Park, 4:4; 17:3; 32:7
  430. Tushar Wash, 4:3; 17:2; 32:6
  431. Tuxedo Bottom see Island in the Sky District
  432. U
  433. Uinta Basin, 36:22
  434. Uinta Basin-South of Roosevelt, 1:8, 14:1; 31:7
  435. Unidentified Rock Art, 14:10
  436. Unidentified Sites, 28:8; 35:3; 36:3
  437. Utah Lake, 5:3; 18:2; 32:14
  438. V
  439. Valentine Bottom see Island in the Sky District
  440. Valley of Fire, 8:16; 22:4
  441. Virgin, 8:8; 21:6; 33:11
  442. W
  443. Wah Wah Valley, 6:4; 19:3; 32:21
  444. Warner Valley, 8:13; 22:1; 33:16
  445. Warner Valley see also Fort Pierce
  446. Washington Fields, 8:13
  447. Water Canyon see Grand Gulch
  448. Westwater Canyon see also Westwater Creek
  449. Westwater Canyon-Mouth, 4:9; 17:8; 32:12
  450. Westwater Creek, 4:3; 17:2; 32:6
  451. White Canyon, 10:12; 25:2; 34:8
  452. White House, 9:7; 23:6; 33:23
  453. Whitney Pass see Arizona Strip
  454. Wild Horse Canyon see Desolation and Gray Canyons
  455. Willard Bay, 5:7; 32:18
  456. Willard Caves, 5:7
  457. Willow Creek, 1:9; 14:2; 31;8
  458. Willow Gulch, 12:8; 34:21
  459. Wolf Hole see Arizona Strip
  460. Wood's Cove, 1:2; 13:1; 31:1
  461. Z
  462. Zion National Park, 8:9; 21:7; 33:12
From the Collection: Name and Subject Index: The name index pertains to the material that is located in the boxes labeled "Papers, Reports and Published Material-Articles." It is an alphabetical listing of authors. The first number designates the box where the material is located. The number following the colon refers to the folder within the box.
From the Collection:
  1. A
  2. Adams, Nettie K., 38:1
  3. Adams, William Y., 38:1
  4. Agogino, George A., 38:5
  5. Aikens, C. Melvin, 38:1
  6. Ambler, J. Richard, 38:7
  7. Anati, Emmanuel, 38:1
  8. Andrews, Janet, 38:1
  9. Asaro, F., 38:2
  10. B
  11. Bain, James G., 38:2
  12. Baldwin, Gordon C., 38:2
  13. Bancroft, Hubert Howe, 38:2
  14. Bard, J.C., 38:2
  15. Baumhoff, Martin A., 38:6
  16. Beckwith, Frank, 38:2
  17. Berry, Michael S., 38:2; 39:1
  18. Bradshaw, Richard L., 38:2
  19. Breternitz, David A., 38:2
  20. Burgh, Robert F., 38:2
  21. Burke, William J., 38:2
  22. C
  23. Castleton Family, 29:6; 36:2
  24. Castleton's Birthdays, 29:3
  25. Coles, Norman E., 38:5
  26. Colton, Harold S., 38:3
  27. D
  28. Dalley, Gardiner F., 38:3
  29. Davis, Frank D., 38:5
  30. Day, Kent C., 38:3
  31. DeKorne, James B., 38:3
  32. Dellenbaugh, Frederick S., 38:3
  33. Dibble, David S., 38:3
  34. E
  35. Erwin, Richard P., 38:4
  36. F
  37. Fewkes, J. Walter, 38:4
  38. Foster, Gene, 38:4
  39. Fowler, Don D., 38:4
  40. Fremont Figures, Price Museum, 29:8
  41. Friends, 30:7; 36:2
  42. Fry, Gary Frederick, 38:4
  43. G
  44. Gaumer, Alfred Elliott, 38:5
  45. Gillin, John, 38:5
  46. Greenwood, Geraldine M., 38:5
  47. Grosscup, Gordon L., 38:5
  48. Guernsey, Samuel J., 38:7
  49. Gunnerson, James H., 38:5
  50. H
  51. Hadlock, Sally, 39:3
  52. Harrison, William M., 38:5
  53. Haynes, Vance, 38:6
  54. Hedden, Mark, 38:6
  55. Heizer, Robert F., 38:2; 38:6
  56. Hobler, Philip M., 38:7
  57. Hunt, Alice P., 38:6
  58. I
  59. Incised Stones, 28:7
  60. J
  61. Jameson, Sydney, 38:6
  62. Jennings, Jesse D., 38:6
  63. Jones, Carl Hugh, 38:6
  64. Judd, Neil M., 38:6
  65. K
  66. Kelly, Charles, 38:7
  67. Kidder, Alfred Vincent, 38:7
  68. Kowta, Makoto, 39:2
  69. L
  70. Leh, Leonard L., 38:7
  71. Lindsay, Alexander J., Jr., 38:1; 38:7
  72. Lipe, William D., 38:7
  73. Lister, Robert H., 38:7
  74. Long, Paul V., Jr., 38:7
  75. M
  76. MacBain, E. Heath, 38:5
  77. Madsen, David B., 38:2; 39:1
  78. Madsen, Rex, 39:1
  79. Mallery, Garrick, 39:1
  80. Malouf, Carling, 39:1
  81. Marwitt, John P., 39:1
  82. Mazonowicz, Douglas, 39:1
  83. McFadden, Tish, 39:1
  84. McGregor, John C., 39:1
  85. Meighan, Clement W., 38:5; 39:2
  86. Michels, Joseph W., 39:2
  87. Morris, Elizabeth A., 38:2
  88. Morss, Noel, 39:2
  89. Mulroy, Mary E., 39:2
  90. Murbarger, Nell, 39:2
  91. N
  92. Norbeck, Edward, 38:6
  93. O
  94. Olin, Caroline B., 39:3
  95. P
  96. Pepper, Choral, 39:3
  97. Pierson, Lloyd M., 39:3
  98. Pontoni, V.L., 39:1
  99. Porter-Klink, Luisa, 39:3
  100. Putnam, J.D., 39:3
  101. R
  102. Reagan, Albert B., 39:3
  103. Reed, Erik K., 39:3
  104. Remy, Jules, 39:3
  105. Rohn, Arthur H., Jr., 38:2
  106. Rudy, Jack R., 39:3
  107. S
  108. Schaafsma, Polly, 39:4
  109. Schroeder, Albert, 39:4
  110. Schuster, Carl, 39:4
  111. Scoggin, Charles R., 38:2
  112. Sharrock, Floyd W., 39:4
  113. Shepard, Anna O., 39:4
  114. Sleight, Frederick W., 39:4
  115. Smith, Elmer R., 39:4
  116. Steen, Charlie R., 39:4
  117. Stein, Mary Anne, 38:7
  118. Steward, Julian H., 39:4
  119. Stirland, Robert D., 39:3
  120. Suhm, Dee Ann, 39:4
  121. T
  122. Tanner, Dallas, 38:6
  123. Taylor, Dee C., 39:5
  124. Turner, Christy G., II., 38:1; 38:2; 39:5
  125. U
  126. Utah Archaeology (Newsletter), 39:5
  127. Utah Professional Archaeological Council, 39:5
  128. W
  129. Wauer, Roland H., 39:5
  130. Weller, Ted, 39:5
  131. Westerner Trips to Historical Sites, 30:8
  132. Wetherill, Ben W., 39:5
  133. Wilson, Bates, 38:6
  134. Worminton, H.M., 39:5
  135. Y
  136. Young, Levi E., 39:5


  • 1970-1985

Language of Materials

From the Collection: Collection materials are in English.

Conditions Governing Access

Twenty-four hour advanced notice encouraged. Materials must be used on-site. Access to parts of this collection may be restricted under provisions of state or federal law.


From the Collection: 12150 Photographic Prints

Repository Details

Part of the J. Willard Marriott Library Special Collections Repository

295 South 1500 East
Salt Lake City Utah 84112 United States