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Ski Affair at the Grand America. November 5, 2015. Awardees include Dan Meldrum (Sue Raemer Award), and Richard "Dick" Bass (Quinney Award), photos by Neil Rossmiller.
Photograph number 1-2 : Clark Parkinson and Mike Korologos
Photograph number 3 : Clark Giles and Clark Parkinson
Photograph number 4-8 : Silent auction items and guests
Photograph number 9-10 : Bob and Marcia Bailey
Photograph number 11 : Barbara Yamada checking silent auction items
Photograph number 12 : Lester Keller And Ron Steele
Photograph number 13-15 : Guests socializing among the exhibits and silent auction items
Photograph number 16 : Karen Korfanta, Connie Rossmiller, and Connie Nelson
Photograph number 17 : Registration
Photograph number 18-20 : Bar and guests getting drinks
Photograph number 21 : Beat von Allmen and Jim Gaddis
Photograph number 22-36 : Guests at the Ski Affair
Photograph number 37 : Judy Jarrow, Marriott Library, directing items for the silent auction
Photograph number 38-39 : Tom Kelly and Carol Duh
Photograph number 40-43 : Awards
Photograph number 44 : Tom Kelly at the podium
Photograph number 45-46 : Dobber Price at the camera
Photograph number 47 : Tom Kelly at the podium
Photograph number 48 : Spencer F. Eccles getting food
Photograph number 49-52 : Alberta Comer, Dean of the Marriott Library, at the podium
Photograph number 53-67 : Richard "Dick" Bass receiving the Quinney Award, presented by David Quinney and Greg Thompson
Photograph number 68-74 : Dan Meldrum receiving the Sue Raemer Award, presented by John Raemer
Photograph number 75-78 : Opportunity Drawing winner announcement
Photograph number 79-94 : Awardees on the stage
Photograph number 95-99 : Neil Rafferty speaking
Photograph number 100-101 : Guests at the Ski Affair