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Annual Ski Affair, October 25, 2023 at the University of Utah Alumni House. Awardees include Jim Berry (Sue Raemer Award) and Gregory Thompson (Quinney Award), photos taken by Marriott Library staff.
Photograph number 1 : John Raemer
Photograph number 2 : Dan Meldrum
Photograph number 3 : Jamie Dupratt, Rose and Ruby Kjesbo, and Hannah Tyler
Photograph number 4 : Rose and Ruby Kjesbo
Photograph number 5 : Hannah Tyler
Photograph number 6 : Jamie Dupratt
Photograph number 7 : Guests at the Ski Affair
Photograph number 8 : Spencer F. Eccles
Photograph number 9 : Jo Berry, widow of Jim Berry, receiving his Sue Raemer Award
Photograph number 10 : Gre Thompson and David Quinney
Photograph number 11 : Barbara Yamada and John Raemer
Photograph number 12 : Barbara Yamada
Photograph number 13 : Barbara Yamada and Spencer F. Eccles
Photograph number 14 : Connie Marshall
Photograph number 15 : Elaine Guia and Mike Korologos
Photograph number 16 : Greg Thompson with his wife, Karen Thompson, and children Pat and Anna
Photograph number 17 : Jim Gaddis with guests at the Ski Affair
Photograph number 18 : Andrea White and Safia Keller
Photograph number 19 : Connie Marshall and Mike Korologos
Photograph number 20 : Dave Watson, Nona Weatherbee, Shirley and John Durham
Photograph number 21 : Dan Meldrum and Mike Korologos
Photograph number 22 : Miguel Rovira, Connie Marshall, Diana Lee Thompson, Craig Gordon, Chad Horne and George Marshall
Photograph number 23 : Shirley and John Durham
Photograph number 24 : Safia Keller and Barbie Patterson- Kallerud
Photograph number 25 : Barbara Yamada and Barbie Patterson- Kallerud
Photograph number 26-27 : Safia Keller, Richard Hodges, and Craig Gordon
Photograph number 28 : Elaine Guia and Mike Korologos
Photograph number 29 : number skipped
Photograph number 30 : Members of the University of Utah Ski Team
Photograph number 31-35 : Members of the Ski Board
Photograph number 36 : Rose and Ruby Kjesbo with Hannah Tyler
Photograph number 37 : Nona Weatherbee and Dave Watson
Photograph number 38 : Ski Affair guests looking at the Opportunity Drawing packages
Photograph number 39 : Becky and Dan Meldrum with George and Connie Marshall
Photograph number 40 : Craig Gordon with Chad Horne
Photograph number 41 : Mallory Seidlitz and Dave Watson
Photograph number 42 : Guests at the Ski Affair
Photograph number 43 : Karen and Greg Thompson
Photograph number 44 : Sarah Shreeves, Diana Lee Thompson, and Mitzi Montoya
Photograph number 45-46 : Sarah Shreeves and Mitzi Montoya
Photograph number 47-48 : Guests at the Ski Affair looking at the exhibits
Photograph number 49 : Jesse Whitchurch with guest at the ski affair
Photograph number 50 : David Quinney with guests at his table at the Ski Affair
Photograph number 51-52 : Spencer F. Eccles and Greg Thompson
Photograph number 53 : Sarah Shreeves, Dean of the Marriott Library
Photograph number 54 : Guests applauding at the Ski Affair
Photograph number 55 : Mitzi Montoya
Photograph number 56-57 : Greg Thompson receiving the Quinney Award, presented by David Quinney and Barbara Yamada
Photograph number 58 : Table settings
Photograph number 59 : Opportunity Drawing boxes
Photograph number 60-61 : NCAA trophies
Photograph number 62 : Nathan Rafferty, President of Ski Utah
Photograph number 63 : Lorraine Crouse
Photograph number 64 : Mike Korologos
Photograph number 65 : Ron Steele
Photograph number 66 : Julie and Ron Steele
Photograph number 67 : Safia Keller and Barbara Yamada
Photograph number 68 : Safia Keller
Photograph number 69 : Spencer P. Eccles with his father, Spencer F. Eccles
Photograph number 70-71 : Greg Thompson and Spencer F. Eccles at the Ski Affair