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nnual Ski Affair, October 23, 2024 at the University of Utah Alumni House. Awardees include Tom Nielson (Sue Raemer Award) and Connie Nelson (Quinney Award), photos taken by Chloe Sparrow and other Marriott Library staff.
Photograph number 1 : Ski Affair signage
Photograph number 2 : Sara Davis and Molly Steed at registration table
Photograph number 3 : Molly Steed at registration table
Photograph number 4-6 : Table settings
Photograph number 7 : John Raemer wth Becky and Dan Meldrum
Photograph number 8 : Flowers on the table
Photograph number 9 : Kadee Henderson, pianist
Photograph number 10 : Kadee Henderson, pianist with Guest London
Photograph number 11 : Greg and Karen Thompson
Photograph number 12 : Barbara Yamada and Sarah Shreeves
Photograph number 13 : Greg and Karen Thompson
Photograph number 14 : Cookie
Photograph number 15 : Greg Thompson and Barbara Yamada
Photograph number 16 : Craig Gordon with Junior and Steve Bounous
Photograph number 17 : Anita and Craig Gordon
Photograph number 18 : Mallory Seidlitz
Photograph number 19 : Barbara Yamada and Mallory Seidlitz
Photograph number 20 : Jesse Whitchurch
Photograph number 21 : Becky Meldrum and Jean Raemer
Photograph number 22-23 : Members of the Ski Board
Photograph number 24 : Kathy Emerson, Ron Steele, and Connie Nelson
Photograph number 25 : Barbara Yamada and Connie Nelson
Photograph number 26 : Guests at the Ski Affair
Photograph number 27 : Exhibits
Photograph number 28-40 : Guests socializing among the exhibits
Photograph number 41 : Jim Gaddis, John Raemer, and Bill Shorter
Photograph number 42-45 : Guests at the Ski Affair at their tables
Photograph number 46 : Sarah Shreeves at the podium
Photograph number 47-49 : Tom Nielson receiving the Sue Raemer Award, presented by John Raemer
Photograph number 50 : Larry Warren
Photograph number 51 : Barbara Yamada
Photograph number 52-54 : Connie Nelson receiving the Quinney Award, presented by David Quinney and Barbara Yamada