Box 1
Contains 14 Results:
"Essay on the Mafia," CBS News Special, 1972
File — Box: 1, Folder: 1
Scope and Contents
Recorded by Phil Notarianni, this transcript is subject to copyright restrictions. Subjects include Italian writer Luigi Barzini, Italian rally particapants, the film The Godfather, Mafia gang war, the size of the Italian-American community, ethnic crime, clanishness in Sicily, Southern Italy, the immigrant experience, the Arkansas Italian community, Prohibition and the Mafia, and the shooting of Joe Columbo. 21 pages.
Charles Barber, 1971
File — Box: 1, Folder: 2
Scope and Contents
Recorded in Salt Lake City, Utah, by Phil Notarianni. Subjects include a biography of Barber, his travels in Canada, his first job, his brother Louis in Garfield, and his work experiences in Garfield. Barber also talks about his reasons for coming to the United States, the treatment of Italians in Garfield, differences between Greeks and Italians, unions, the strike of 1922, the Ku Klux Klan, Italian social life and lodges, World War I, working on the railroads, and Monsignor Alfredo...
Angelo Calfo, 1971
File — Box: 1, Folder: 6
Scope and Contents
Recorded in Salt Lake City, Utah, by Phil Notarianni. Subjects include Calfo's father's work in the mines, his own work for the Union Pacific, working for Kenny Coal Company, striking the coal company, working for Kennecott, and other mining experiences. He also talks about his education, his marriage, and Italian visiting customs. He recalls living in a box car as his first home, his religious life, starting a motel, various company sick policies, conditions on a boat from the Olympic line,...
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Chiodo, 1971
File — Box: 1, Folder: 8
Scope and Contents
This interview by Phil Notarianni includes biographical information on the couple, recollections of joining the local lodge, their social activities, and Italians on the west side of Salt Lake. Mr. Chiodo discusses becoming a United States citizen, returning to Italy to find a wife, working for the Denver Rio Grande, and attending church at Saint Patrick's in Salt Lake City. 19 pages.
Louis Favo, 1974
File — Box: 1, Folder: 10
Scope and Contents
Recorded in Magna, Utah, by Phil Notarianni. Subjects include Favo's biography, his army experiences, his marriage, a gold medal he received, village life in Italy, and his immigration to the United States. He talks about his residence in Magna, Utah, prejudices towards immigrants, the Ku Klux Klan, social life in Magna, his market, gaining citizenship, the black market in Europe, and Salt Lake's neighborhoods. 39 pages.
Catherine Fratto, 1971
File — Box: 1, Folder: 11
Scope and Contents
Phil Notarianni talks with Fratto about her experiences as a midwife, Italian superstitions, the loss of customs due to acculturation, medical cures, social activities, wine making, dowry presentation, celebrating the feast of Saint Lucy, and mourning traditions from the old country.
Josephine Caputo, 1974
File — Box: 1, Folder: 12
Scope and Contents
No tape recording was made of this interview. The transcript is based on Phil Notarianni's hand-written notes from a conversation with Josephine Caputo in Salt Lake City, Utah. She is the niece of Monseignor Alfredo F. Giovannoni. Subjects include Josephine Caputo's background, her impressions of Msgr. Giovannoni, observations about Giovannoni's personality, Giovannoni's birthplace and education, his ordaination, a chronology of events in Giovannoni's life, and his time spent as chaplain to...
Antonio Guadagnoli, No. 1, 1972
File — Box: 1, Folder: 13
Scope and Contents
This interview, conducted by Phil Notarianni in Price, Utah, covers Guadagnoli's arrival in America in 1910, his father's experiences in South America and the United States, Guadagnoli's work for the Denver Rio Grande, and the Colorado Coal Fields Strike of 1913 and 1914. He also talks about the town of Sunnyside being shut down, the strike of 1922, the tent colony and working conditions at Sunnyside, Frank Bonacci, strike grievances, opposition to unions, wage practices and...
Antonio Guadagnoli, No. 2, 1974
File — Box: 1, Folder: 14
Scope and Contents
Subjects in this second interview conducted by Phil Notarianni include the starting of Sunnyside Band, their first performance in Sunnyside, various Greeks in the band, the Dante Periodio Club, Fourth of July celebrations, the operas, Guadagnoli's reasons for joining the band, getting uniforms, Italian Day, trombones, and band practices. 17 pages.
John Bernardo, 1972
File — Box: 1, Folder: 3
Scope and Contents
Recorded in Magna, Utah, by Phil Notarianni. Subjects include Bernardo's early life in Italy, his jobs in Spring Canyon and Salt Lake, Little Italy, construction work, and strikes in Bingham. He also talks about working a non-union job for forty-three years, the Ku Klux Klan, Prohibition, the Columbus Lodge, and union recognition. 35 pages. RESTRICTED, no photocopying.